Join our Servant Partners staff in prayer from a global perspective during this Advent season. This week, Laurie, the Member Care Director, reflects on her time in Nicaragua and invites us to welcome others and to welcome worship into our homes this Christmas.
"On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him." Matthew 2:11
When we were in Nicaragua, we got to participate in Purissima. While customs vary, in our neighborhood on this December holiday, people went from house to house visiting altars for Mary. The altars could be very elaborate, and often candy or other gifts were given to visitors.
The idea of having a center of worship in one’s home and inviting neighbors is a beautiful model for us. Isn’t this what we would hope for our lives and our homes—that the worship of Jesus happening within would welcome and enfold others? This is what happened when the eastern travelers arrived to see Jesus. Within was Mary, by all accounts already a worshipper of Jesus. She receives the visitors, and they, too, join in worship.
God drew the “wise kings,” as our children used to call them, from a great distance. He is still drawing people to himself. When we ourselves are in worship, we can welcome them to join. As we approach Christmas, let’s set aside some extra time to adore our Lord.
Read aloud John 1:1-18, Philippians 2:5-11, and Revelations 1:4-8.
You might starting with “You are…” and voicing some of the names of God or his attributes.
Suenen Dulces Himnos by Marcos Witt
Comfort now my people and O Come Emanuel by Page CXVI:
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